Hazy Mountains – Late Reflections LP


It was only early on this year that I discovered German-based electronic dream pop artist, Hazy Mountains. Having listened to all of his 2012 releases over and over since then, it was such a welcome surprise to see that he was releasing new music again and there was news of a new album on its way. Now that Late Reflections is here, my love for Julian Prott’s music has grown even deeper (I did not think this was possible.)

Late Reflections permeates a distinct warmth and pulse in every track. The sweeps of synth and hazed-out vocals have been brought together with, what is clearly, an incredibly keen ear for harmony and an ease-of-hand that makes this album yet another wondrous work of art. The album dances between bouts of momentous euphoria, riddled in bouncy synth work; to sweet streaks of calming ambient music.

Grab it over on his Bandcamp for 8 Euros, and while you’re there, check out his other albums and EPs.

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